我用ApexSQL Log工具分析了事务日志内容,结果显示,每次我看事务日志内容都会得到不同的更新数,这同我在事务日志大小上遇到的问题一样;即使不断增长与减少,但总大小依旧保持不变。 为了解事务日志的行为,我运行了一个事务,UPDATE命令修改了行值: – Truncate the table truncate table ExpandDB go – Truncate the T-Log backup transaction ShrinkDB&nb……


我用ApexSQL Log工具分析了事务日志内容,结果显示,每次我看事务日志内容都会得到不同的更新数,这同我在事务日志大小上遇到的问题一样;即使不断增长与减少,但总大小依旧保持不变。
-- Truncate the table truncate table ExpandDB go -- Truncate the T-Log backup transaction ShrinkDB with truncate_only go -- Shrink T-Log back to 2MB: DBCC SHRINKFILE (N'ShribkDB_Log' , 0, TRUNCATEONLY) Go -- Insert one row into the table insert into ExpandDB select replicate ('a',3) --================================================================ -- Update the table until T-Log reaches 8MB -- Big transaction begin tran while (select size from sysfiles where fileid = 2) <= 1024 update ExpandDB set a = case len(a) when 7999 then a else a + 'b' end commit tran go -- Check status of T-log dbcc sqlperf(logspace) go |
"Autogrow of file '
-- Truncate the T-Log backup transaction ShrinkDB with truncate_only go -- Check the size of the T-Log file (RESULT = 2MB) select size from sysfiles where fileid = 2 go -- Check % free space in T-Log dbcc sqlperf(logspace) go -- Update 10000 rows at a time update ExpandDB set a case len(a) when 7999 then a else a 'b' end go update ExpandDB set a case len(a) when 7999 then a else a 'b' end go update ExpandDB set a case len(a) when 7999 then a else a 'b' end go update ExpandDB seta caselen(a) when 7999 then a else a 'b' end go update ExpandDB set a case len(a) when 7999 then a else a 'b' end go update ExpandDB set a case len(a) when 7999 then a else a 'b' end go update ExpandDB set a case len(a) when 7999 then a else a 'b' end go -- Check % free space in T-Log dbcc sqlperf(logspace) go |
-- Truncate the table truncate table ExpandDB go -- Truncate the T-Log backup transaction ShrinkDB with truncate_only go -- Shrink T-Log back to 2MB: DBCC SHRINKFILE (N'ShrinkDB_Log' , 0, TRUNCATEONLY) Go -- Check the size of the T-Log file select size from sysfiles where fileid go -- Insert narrow rows into the table while (select size from sysfiles where fileid = 2) insert into ExpandDB select replicate ('a',3) go At the same time, I also executed the following code: select getdatedbcc sqlperf (logspace) go waitfor delay '00:00:02' go select getdatedbcc sqlperf (logspace) go select getdatego dbcc sqlperf (logspace) go waitfor delay '00:00:02' Go |
-- Truncate the table truncate table ExpandDB go -- Truncate the T-Log backup transaction ShrinkDB with truncate_only go -- Shrink T-Log back to 2MB: DBCC SHRINKFILE (N'ShrinkDB_Log' , 0, TRUNCATEONLY) Go -- Insert 100000 rows -- Big transaction begin tran while (select size from sysfiles where fileid = 2) insert into ExpandDB select replicate ('a',3) go commit tran go dbcc sqlperf(logspace) go select count(*) from ExpandDB go |
-- Truncate the T-Log backup transaction ShrinkDB with truncate_only go -- Check the size of the T-Log file (RESULT = 2MB) select size from sysfiles where fileid = 2 go -- Check % free space in T-Log dbcc sqlperf(logspace) go -- Insert 10000 rows at a time Insert into ExpandDB select * from ExpandDB Go -- Check % free space in T-Log dbcc sqlperf(logspace) go -- Insert 10000 rows at a time Insert into ExpandDB select * from ExpandDB Go -- Check % free space in T-Log dbcc sqlperf(logspace) go -- Insert 10000 rows at a time Insert into ExpandDB select * from ExpandDB Go -- Check % free space in T-Log dbcc sqlperf(logspace) go -- Insert 10000 rows at a time Insert into ExpandDB select * from ExpandDB Go -- Check % free space in T-Log dbcc sqlperf(logspace) go |
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